Publications & Websites
These publications relate to healthcare sustainability and climate medicine in OBGYN. Please email us at if you would like to add articles. See also Health Care Without Harm Publications Page for publications outside the scope of OBGYN.
Sustainable Health Care in OBGYN
Environmental Impacts of Surgical Procedures: Life Cycle Assessment of Hysterectomy in the United States (Thiel, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014)
A comparative carbon footprint analysis of disposable and reusable vaginal specula (Donahue, AJOG, 2020)
Life cycle assessment perspectives on delivering an infant in the US (Campion, Science of Total Environment, 2012)
Life cycle assessment of stainless-steel reusable speculums versus disposable acrylic speculums in a university clinic setting: a case study (Rodriguez Morris, Evironmental Research Communications, 2022)
Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Laparoscopic Surgery (Thiel, Am J Public Health, 2018)
Menstrual products: A comparable Life Cycle Assessment (Fourcassier, Cleaner Environmental Systems, 2022)
The Use of Disposable Supplies: Measuring Suburethral Sling Surgical Waste by Cost and Weight (Melnyk, Urogyn, 2023)
Climate Change and Women's Health
Plasticenta: First evidence of microplastics in human placenta (Ragusa, Environmental International, 2021)
Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and spontaneous abortion and stillbirth (Grippo, Reviews on Environmental Health, 2017)
Associations between high temperatures in pregnancy and risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirths: systematic review and meta-analysis (Chersich, BMJ, 2020)
Reducing Prenatal Exposure to Toxic Environmental Agents ACOG Committee Opinion, July 2021
The Impact Of Global Warming On Women's Health International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, February 2023
Commentaries in OBGYN
Sustainability in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Wright, Ob&Gyn, 2023)
Going Green in Gynecology: A Call to Action (Melnyk, AJOG, 2023)
Sustainability in Healthcare: A Call to Action for Surgeons and Healthcare Leaders (Schwartz, JMIG, 2022)
Addressing OR sustainability: How we can decrease waste and emissions (Wright, OBG Manag, 2023)
Addressing Sustainability in the Operating Room (Melnyk, Urogyn, 2023)
Practice Greenhealth Topics and Initiatives - fact sheets, education on topics such as water, waste, energy, greening the OR, etc
Health Attribution Library – A database of studies that detect attribution of climate change impacts on human health
Yale / Lancet Center on Sustainable Healthcare
Physician Response to Climate Change Editorial
Lancet Planetary Health
Commonwealth Fund How Clinicians Can Lead on Climate Action
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
NIH Reducing the Climate Impact of Clinical Care
Joint Commission and Sustainable Healthcare
National Academy of Medicine Resources
Medical School Curricula and Climate Health opinion piece
A guide to climate and health curriculum reform in medical schools from Medical Students for Sustainable Future
CleanMed - national environment conference for leaders in health care sustainability
The Path to Climate-Smart Net-Zero Health Care: A Grand Rounds Series - presented by Health Care Without Harm in partnership with the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education, virtual grand rounds series
Medical Society Consortium Annual Meeting
Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health - brings together associations representing clinicians for advocacy. Nice resource to find other advocacy groups near you.
FIGO Climate Crisis and Health - resources and webinars as well addressing climate crisis and women’s/maternal health
Climate for Health - Climate for Health is a national initiative led by a diverse network of health leaders
Columbia University Collaborative for Climate and Womens Health
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ​
Plastic Pollution Coalition - resources and articles addressing the plastic crisis and human health
Microplastics and the environment Matt Simon interview with the Plastic Pollution Coalition or read his book here
Plastic Pollution Coalition Webinars here
Phthalates and Preterm Birth paper
Reducing Prenatal Exposure to Toxic Environmental chemicals
OSHA Pregnant workers and heat safety
EPA Pregnancy and Heat
Pregnancy, Heat and risk for Leukemia
Preterm Delivery and Heat
Good Grief Network nonprofit organization brings people together to metabolize collective grief, eco-distress
Climate Psychology Alliance practitioners, thinkers, researchers, and artists who believe that attending to the psychology and emotions of the climate and ecological crisis
FELLOWSHIPS in Climate and Health
Medical Society Consortium Fellowship
University of Colorado Fellowship
Beth Israel Fellowship
NIH Fellowship
Columbia Fellowship
NYU Fellowship